Friday, November 26, 2010

Find Oracle Application File Versions.

In this post, sharing the way of finding the correct version of Oracle Applicatins file version of different component. This should be helpful while patching the applications.

Use the following information for the appropriate file type.


cd $AR_TOP/forms/US
Ex. adident Header ARXTWLIN.fmx

strings -a  form.frm |  grep  Revision
cd $AU_TOP/forms/US
strings -a POXPOVCT.fmb | grep Revision

Use \Help Version
Or Help, About Oracle Applications

cd $AR_TOP/reports
adident Header report.rdf
Ex. adident Header ARBARL.rdf

strings -a  report.rdf  |  grep  Header
strings -a ARBARL.rdf  |  grep Header

more  sqlscript.sql  Ex.  more ARTACELO.sql

The version will be in a line that starts with 'REM  $Header', and should be one of the first lines in the .sql file.
grep '$Head' sqlscript.sql
grep '$Head' ARTACELO.sql

An executable in the bin directory will contain numerous C code modules, each with its own version. All of the following examples use ident or strings,
but the difference is what you grep for.

1.  Get ALL file versions contained in the executable.
adident Header executable (Ex. adident Header RACUST)
strings -a  executable  |  grep  Header  (Ex. strings -a RACUST | grep Header)

2.  Get ALL of the product specific file versions.
adident  Header executable (Ex.  adident Header RACUST)
strings -a  executable  |  grep  Header
(Ex.  strings -a  RACUST  |  grep  Header)

3.  Get only the version of a specified module.
strings -a  executable  |  grep  module  (Ex. strings -a RAXTRX | grep raaurt)

4.   A Collection of class file versions

from the directory where the classfile exists in a command prompt run the following:
strings -a Classname.class | grep Header

Get ALL of the product specific file versions.
strings -a  executable  |  grep  'Header: product_short_name'
cd $FND_TOP/bin
strings -a WFLOAD | grep 'Header: afspc'
Get only the version of a specified module.
strings -a  executable  |  grep  module

From the form, select Help, About Oracle Reports.

1. Use \Help Version
2. Or Help, About Oracle Applications
3. Get into SQL*Plus using any userid/password. You will get a string that tells you the PL/SQL version and data

Sukhwinder singh


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