1)What happens if the ICM goes down?
All the other managers will keep working. ICM only takes care of the queue control requests, which means starting up and shutting down other concurrent managers.
2)How will you speed up the patching process?
You can merge multiple patches.
You can create a response file for non-interactive patching.
You can apply patches with options (nocompiledb, nomaintainmrc, nocompilejsp) and run these once after applying all the patches.
3)How will you handle an error during patching?
Look at the log of the failed worker, identify and rectify the error and restart the worker using adctrl utility.
4)Provide a high-level overview of the cloning process and post-clone manual steps.
Run pre-clone on the source (all tiers), duplicate the DB using RMAN (or restore the DB from a hot or cold backup), copy the file systems and then run post-clone on the target (all tiers).
Manual steps (there can be many more):
Change all non-site profile option values (RapidClone only changes site-level profile options).
Modify workflow and concurrent manager tables.
Change printers.
5)Provide an introduction to AutoConfig. How does AutoConfig know which value from the XML file needs to be put in which file?
AutoConfig uses a context file to maintain key configuration files. A context file is an XML file in the $APPL_TOP/admin directory and is the centralized repository.
When you run AutoConfig it reads the XML files and creates all the AutoConfig managed configuration files.
For each configuration file maintained by AutoConfig, there exists a template file which determines which values to pick from the XML file.
6)Can you tell me a few tests you will do to troubleshoot self-service login problems? Which profile options and files will you check?
Check guest user/password in the DBC file, profile option guest user/password, the DB.
Check whether apache/jserv is up.
Run IsItWorking, FND_WEB.PING, aoljtest, etc.
7)What could be wrong if you are unable to view concurrent manager log and output files?
Most likely the FNDFS listener is down. Look at the value of OUTFILE_NODE_NAME and LOGFILE_NODE_NAME in the FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table. Look at the FND_NODES table. Look at the FNDFS_entry in tnsnames.ora.
8)How will you change the location of concurrent manager log and output files?
The location of log files is determined by parameter $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG and that of output files by $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT.
9)If the user is experiencing performance issues, how will you go about finding the cause?
Trace his session (with waits) and use tkprof to analyze the trace file.
Take a statspack report and analyze it.
O/s monitoring using top/iostat/sar/vmstat.
Check for any network bottleneck by using basic tests like ping results.
10)How will you change the apps password?
Use FNDCPASS to change APPS password.
Manually modify wdbsvr.app/cgiCMD.dat files.
Change any DB links pointing from other instances.
11)Provide the location of the DBC file and explain its significance and how applications know the name of the DBC file.
Location: $FND_TOP/secure directory.
Significance: Points to the DB server amongst other things.
The application knows the name of the DBC file by using profile option "Applications Database Id."
12) What's the diff. btw. 'adconfig.sh' and 'adautocfg.sh'
You will use script adautocfg.sh (on both Database & Application tier) which inturn will call adconfig.sh , which further will calladconfig.pl. You should not worry about later two scripts its for information only. adautoconfig.sh is script which you use to run autoconfig.
13) Do I need to run autoconfig on both appl and db node after I change user applsys password.
yes, first on db tier and next on apps tier
14) Must I stop all running application processes before I run autoconfig. i.e by running adstpall.sh?
Yes, if you are running autoconfig on application tier u need to stop the application tier, always database should be up
15) Is it better to run adautocfg.sh on rather that adconfig.sh.
Refer question 1, alway we run adautocfg.sh
16) What are .lct and .ldt files in Patch Directory?
The patch metadata LDT files (also called datafiles) are FNDLOAD data files included in the top-level directory of all recent patches. The LDT files contain prerequisite patch information and a manifest of all files in the patch with their version numbers. The Patch Information Bundle metadata also include information about the relationships between patches, such as which minipacks are contained in the recommended.
LCT files (also called configfiles) are the configuration files which are used to download/upload data. Without configfiles, datafiles are useless.
17) If Ad worker fails during Ad patching, How many times by default adpatch automatically tries to resume the patching?
Three Times
18) While trying to change one profile option at site level, the option is not editable mode? How to make it editable mode?
Goto Application Developer -> Profiles -> Give Profile Options Names -> Check updatable
19) How do you check Compatibility of Oracle Applications with Any operating System?
Metalink -> Certify Tab -> View Certification by platform
20) How do you check Latest CPU Patch for Oracle Server and Applications?
Metalink -> Patches & Updates Tab
21) In RAC env, Each node contains How many IPs?
22) What are the tables updated when you apply application patch?
ad_applied_patches and ad_bugs
23) Can you apply Opatch without inventory?
24) If there is no inventory, How do you apply a opatch?
Create inventory using runInstaller
25) What are the tables get created during Apps Patching?
ad_deferred_jobs and fnd_installed_processes
26) Default environment variable to be set for Forms Config files?
27) Profile option to determine which dbc file to use?
Application Database ID
28) How do you hide apps password during adpatching?
adpatch flags=hidepw
29) What is inter operability patch?
OS compatibility patch, mostly applied during upgradation
30) How do you compile jsp files?
Using adadmin or ojspCompile(perl -x $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts/ojspCompile.pl)
31) What is cache in Concurrent Managers Definition?
No of concurrent requets that have to be cached from fnd_concurrent_requests while reading fnd_concurrent_requests
32) Types of profile options?
1. Site level
2. User level
3. Responsibility Level
4. Server Level
5. Application Level
33) Opatch log file location ?
34) Different levels of SQL Tracing?
Regular (Level 1 – standard/default level)
Level 4 (standard + binds)
Level 8 (standard + waits)
Level 12 (standard + binds and waits)
35) If you lost all redo logs files during DB is up and running? What will happen how do you recover it?
DB will get crashed immediately
1. You have to go for Incomplete Recovery
2. One way: Take previous backup, recover up to last archive and open the database
3. Second way: open the database in no mount state, create control file with rest logs and open the database with rest logs.
36) DB is up and running fine? you lost one data file? DB is in archive log mode? How do you recover it?
1. If you have a backup of datafile, restore it and apply archives.
2. If you don't have backup of datafile, create datafile in database and apply archives.
37) How do you clone a context file or how do you change existing port pool?
Using adclonectx.pl, you can clone next context file, during cloning you can give new port pool, and run autoconfig
38) How do you run autoconfig in test mode?
adchkcfg.sh (AD_TOP/bin)
39) If you lost dbc file, How will you recover it?
Using adgendbc($AD_TOP/bin) or run Autoconfig
All the other managers will keep working. ICM only takes care of the queue control requests, which means starting up and shutting down other concurrent managers.
2)How will you speed up the patching process?
You can merge multiple patches.
You can create a response file for non-interactive patching.
You can apply patches with options (nocompiledb, nomaintainmrc, nocompilejsp) and run these once after applying all the patches.
3)How will you handle an error during patching?
Look at the log of the failed worker, identify and rectify the error and restart the worker using adctrl utility.
4)Provide a high-level overview of the cloning process and post-clone manual steps.
Run pre-clone on the source (all tiers), duplicate the DB using RMAN (or restore the DB from a hot or cold backup), copy the file systems and then run post-clone on the target (all tiers).
Manual steps (there can be many more):
Change all non-site profile option values (RapidClone only changes site-level profile options).
Modify workflow and concurrent manager tables.
Change printers.
5)Provide an introduction to AutoConfig. How does AutoConfig know which value from the XML file needs to be put in which file?
AutoConfig uses a context file to maintain key configuration files. A context file is an XML file in the $APPL_TOP/admin directory and is the centralized repository.
When you run AutoConfig it reads the XML files and creates all the AutoConfig managed configuration files.
For each configuration file maintained by AutoConfig, there exists a template file which determines which values to pick from the XML file.
6)Can you tell me a few tests you will do to troubleshoot self-service login problems? Which profile options and files will you check?
Check guest user/password in the DBC file, profile option guest user/password, the DB.
Check whether apache/jserv is up.
Run IsItWorking, FND_WEB.PING, aoljtest, etc.
7)What could be wrong if you are unable to view concurrent manager log and output files?
Most likely the FNDFS listener is down. Look at the value of OUTFILE_NODE_NAME and LOGFILE_NODE_NAME in the FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table. Look at the FND_NODES table. Look at the FNDFS_entry in tnsnames.ora.
8)How will you change the location of concurrent manager log and output files?
The location of log files is determined by parameter $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG and that of output files by $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT.
9)If the user is experiencing performance issues, how will you go about finding the cause?
Trace his session (with waits) and use tkprof to analyze the trace file.
Take a statspack report and analyze it.
O/s monitoring using top/iostat/sar/vmstat.
Check for any network bottleneck by using basic tests like ping results.
10)How will you change the apps password?
Use FNDCPASS to change APPS password.
Manually modify wdbsvr.app/cgiCMD.dat files.
Change any DB links pointing from other instances.
11)Provide the location of the DBC file and explain its significance and how applications know the name of the DBC file.
Location: $FND_TOP/secure directory.
Significance: Points to the DB server amongst other things.
The application knows the name of the DBC file by using profile option "Applications Database Id."
12) What's the diff. btw. 'adconfig.sh' and 'adautocfg.sh'
You will use script adautocfg.sh (on both Database & Application tier) which inturn will call adconfig.sh , which further will calladconfig.pl. You should not worry about later two scripts its for information only. adautoconfig.sh is script which you use to run autoconfig.
13) Do I need to run autoconfig on both appl and db node after I change user applsys password.
yes, first on db tier and next on apps tier
14) Must I stop all running application processes before I run autoconfig. i.e by running adstpall.sh?
Yes, if you are running autoconfig on application tier u need to stop the application tier, always database should be up
15) Is it better to run adautocfg.sh on rather that adconfig.sh.
Refer question 1, alway we run adautocfg.sh
16) What are .lct and .ldt files in Patch Directory?
The patch metadata LDT files (also called datafiles) are FNDLOAD data files included in the top-level directory of all recent patches. The LDT files contain prerequisite patch information and a manifest of all files in the patch with their version numbers. The Patch Information Bundle metadata also include information about the relationships between patches, such as which minipacks are contained in the recommended.
LCT files (also called configfiles) are the configuration files which are used to download/upload data. Without configfiles, datafiles are useless.
17) If Ad worker fails during Ad patching, How many times by default adpatch automatically tries to resume the patching?
Three Times
18) While trying to change one profile option at site level, the option is not editable mode? How to make it editable mode?
Goto Application Developer -> Profiles -> Give Profile Options Names -> Check updatable
19) How do you check Compatibility of Oracle Applications with Any operating System?
Metalink -> Certify Tab -> View Certification by platform
20) How do you check Latest CPU Patch for Oracle Server and Applications?
Metalink -> Patches & Updates Tab
21) In RAC env, Each node contains How many IPs?
22) What are the tables updated when you apply application patch?
ad_applied_patches and ad_bugs
23) Can you apply Opatch without inventory?
24) If there is no inventory, How do you apply a opatch?
Create inventory using runInstaller
25) What are the tables get created during Apps Patching?
ad_deferred_jobs and fnd_installed_processes
26) Default environment variable to be set for Forms Config files?
27) Profile option to determine which dbc file to use?
Application Database ID
28) How do you hide apps password during adpatching?
adpatch flags=hidepw
29) What is inter operability patch?
OS compatibility patch, mostly applied during upgradation
30) How do you compile jsp files?
Using adadmin or ojspCompile(perl -x $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts/ojspCompile.pl)
31) What is cache in Concurrent Managers Definition?
No of concurrent requets that have to be cached from fnd_concurrent_requests while reading fnd_concurrent_requests
32) Types of profile options?
1. Site level
2. User level
3. Responsibility Level
4. Server Level
5. Application Level
33) Opatch log file location ?
34) Different levels of SQL Tracing?
Regular (Level 1 – standard/default level)
Level 4 (standard + binds)
Level 8 (standard + waits)
Level 12 (standard + binds and waits)
35) If you lost all redo logs files during DB is up and running? What will happen how do you recover it?
DB will get crashed immediately
1. You have to go for Incomplete Recovery
2. One way: Take previous backup, recover up to last archive and open the database
3. Second way: open the database in no mount state, create control file with rest logs and open the database with rest logs.
36) DB is up and running fine? you lost one data file? DB is in archive log mode? How do you recover it?
1. If you have a backup of datafile, restore it and apply archives.
2. If you don't have backup of datafile, create datafile in database and apply archives.
37) How do you clone a context file or how do you change existing port pool?
Using adclonectx.pl, you can clone next context file, during cloning you can give new port pool, and run autoconfig
38) How do you run autoconfig in test mode?
adchkcfg.sh (AD_TOP/bin)
39) If you lost dbc file, How will you recover it?
Using adgendbc($AD_TOP/bin) or run Autoconfig
Sukhwinder Singh
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