Thursday, October 21, 2010

Starting Rapid Install EBS R12

Rapid install is used to install Oracle Applications on any machine. With Rapid Install, you can perform these operations:
  • Install a new, fully configured Oracle Applications system, including the latest certified Oracle Applications technology stack and all patches, mini-packs, family packs, and other updates available at the time of this release.
  • Lay down the file system and configure server processes for an upgraded system
  • Install a new database tier or application tier technology stack 

Create Login Accounts : - Set up user login accounts for the installation of both the database tier and the application tier file systems. 


Install Java Development Kit (JDK) : - Oracle Applications requires JDK 1.4.2. Rapid Install installs it automatically on Solaris, Linux, and Windows operating systems. If installation is on another platform, then  download and install JDK before you continue with the installation or upgrade. 


Set Up the Stage Area: - As preparation for running Rapid Install, run a Perl script that creates the install directory and copies the contents of the Release R12 software bundle to the appropriate place in the file system.

Installation software comes in DVD format. The individual disks included in the Release R12 software bundle are labeled as follows: 

 Start Here - Disk 1

APPL_TOP - Disk n
RDBMS - Disk n
Tools - Disk n
Databases - Disk n

The stage area created by looks like this: a top-level directory , with subdirectories startCD, oraApps, oraDB, oraiAS, oraAppDB, and oraNLS/ (only if required).


Starting Rapid Install

In this article; i will try to explain step by step Oracle Application installation R12.1.1  on Red Hat Linux 5

A. Before start installation:
1. The installation of  E-Business Suite R12.1.1 needs, secure Linux disabled and the following package groups installed:
  • X Window System
  • GNOME Desktop Environment
  • Editors
  • Graphical Internet
  • Server Configuration Tools
  • Development Tools
  • Administration Tools
  • System Tools
I strongly suggest , choose  “install everything” option while you are making Redhat Enterprise Linux installation. Its little hard to try install-add some rpms and other tools on Redhat Enterprise Linux.In this article, i assume that you have been installed everything.
2.The installation size of Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1.1 is:
  • 90 GB for a fresh install with a production database:
Application tier file system – 35 GB (For HP-UX Itanium 50 Gb)
Database tier file system – 55 GB
  • 243 GB for a fresh install with a Vision Demo database.
Application tier file system – 35 GB
Database tier file system–208 GB (For HP-UX Itanium 210 Gb)
3. Create stage area folder:
You need to setups file for can make Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 installation. You can use site for can download Oracle E-Business Suite the lastest version.
Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 setup files almost have 50 GB size(with NLS patch)
You can create stage folder by following:
Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 installation manualPage 1-14 Setting Up the Stage Area
Mainly; Put all the files under one directory (i.e. /data/R12stage), and extract all the files under the same directory and give it to 777 permission
For instance:

 To check the total , free and available disk space
 $ df -h  

[root@test]# mkdir /data/R12Stage
[root@test]# chown –R 777 /data/R12Stage
[root@test]#  cd /data/R12Stage
For  Start Here DVD create below:
mkdir startCD
For APPL_TOP DVD create below:
mkdir oraApps
For RDBMS DVD create below:
mkdir oraDB
For Tools DVD create below:
mkdir oraiAS
For Databases DVD create below:
mkdir oraAppDB
Before start to  installation, i strongly suggest check below:
MD5 Checksums for R12.1.1 Rapid Install Media [ID 802195.1] note for can observe you have any problem wiht your stage or not(Corrupted zip etc)
In this article, i assume you have installed everything on you Redhat Enterprise Linux installation.
For related  requiriments(tools&rmp etc) please follow below:

B. Installation steps preparings:

1. Edit Host file:
The /etc/hosts file must contain a fully qualified name for the server:
[root@test]# more /etc/hosts       localhost.localdomain   localhost
Open your hosts file wiht editor(I will use vi editor in this article),put your info in this file and save it. In this article my localhost will be test, my localdomain will be
PS: If you are using standalone server or pc you can give use any domain name you want. But if your server or pc on any domain you must use localdomain. 
[root@test]# vi  /etc/hosts       localhost.localdomain   localhost
10.100.x.x  test
2. Set Kernel Parameters:
Add following line in end of the  /etc/sysctl.conf file.
[root@test]# vi  /etc/ sysctl.conf
#R12.1.1 kernel settings
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
kernel.shmmni = 4096
# semaphores: semmsl, semmns, semopm, semmni
kernel.sem = 256 32000 100 142
fs.file-max = 327679
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 10000 65000
#full qualified hostname(format is host.localdomain)  << optional
kernel.hostname   = test.helios .com << optional
#correct domain name !! << optional
kernel.domainname = << optional
After this steps you must set your new settings wiht below command:
/sbin/sysctl –p
3. Update /var/tmp/.oracle with 777 permissions
chmod 777 /var/tmp/.oracle
4. Edit /etc/security/limits.conf file:
Add the following lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:
[root@test]# vi  /etc/ security/limits.conf
* hard nofile 65535
* soft nofile 4096
* hard nproc 16384
* soft nproc 2047

5. Edit /etc/resolv.conf file:
Add the following lines to the /etc/resolv.conf file:
options attempts:5
options timeout:15
6. Check /etc/sysconfig/network files format:
Verify that the /etc/sysconfig/network file is formatted as follows:
7. If the /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/network file exists, remove it.

 If you changed any files in the previous steps, restart the system.
8. Create user and group for installation:

[root@test]# groupadd dba
[root@test]# useradd –g dba  –d  /home/appltest appltest
[root@test]#useradd –g dba  -d /home /oratest oratest
We will use appltest to can manage Application Tier and we will use oratest for can manage Database Tier. Our installation folder will be TEST,also our SID will be TEST.
9. Create folder for Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1.1 installation

Firstly,  i want to show you my mount point size of server
[root@test]# df –h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted

/dev/cciss/c0d0p6 355G 55G 300G 6% /data

As you can see i have 300 GB free space, so i will create my stage folder and my installation folder on this mount point.
[root@test]# cd /data
[root@test data ]#mkdir  TEST
In this article i will make Fresh Installation(Normaly, If i will make DEMO installation, I like to call installation  folder  VIS, if i will make fresh installation(TEST or PROD) i like to call installation folder  TEST or PROD)
Give 777 to installation folder
[root@test]# chmod 777 /data/TEST
Option 1:

Create related folder for Application and Database tier(optional)
If we want to put application tier installation folder  together(also database tier instalaltion folder) together we can create 2 subfolders under my main installation folder TEST.
[root@test]# cd /data/TEST
[root@test TEST]# mkdir apps
[root@test TEST]#mkdir db
We must give permisson to our user for can make installation of those folder
[root@test]# chown  –R appltest:dba /data/TEST/apps
[root@test]# chown  –R oratest:dba /data/TEST/db
Option 2:

Just create TEST folder and give it 777 and use it for installation and application and db tier’s folders will be created under this main folder.
10. I assume that you will not make installation on server room, you will try to make installation on your local laptop or on your pc. So we need to set our xdisplay settings. If this is your first time on server you need to start vncviwer services,before start sevices please follow below steps:
Open  /root/.vnc/xstartup file with vi and edit it as:
[root@test]# vi  /root/.vnc/xstartup
Delete # from below lines
exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
[root@test]# service vncserver status <
[root@test]# service vncserver start
Starting VNC server: [  OK  ]
If first time you are starting VNCSERVER after your Red Hat installation, than you need to give password can connect from your local machine
[root@test]# vncserver
[root@test]# export DISPLAY=test:1.0
[root@test]#xhost+ << it should return below line
Access control disabled,  client can connect from any hosts
11. Open your vncviewer from your local machine and follow installation wizard (if you dont have this program please download it from

Once the stage directory is created, start Rapid Install as described in the following section.

$ cd /u01/StageR12/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz
$ ./rapidwiz

Single-node / Multi node installation

In a single-node installation, the database, all product directories, all servers (concurrent processing, forms, and Web) are installed on a single node under one common APPL_TOP whereas in a multi-node installation, you install both application tier and database tier servers across two or more nodes.

The installation steps for single-node and multi-node installation are almost the same. In the 4th step, one needs to choose between the single-node and multi-node installations. Follow the steps as shown below to start your installation. 

  Step 1. Start the Rapid Install wizard

Start the wizard from the command line by typing rapidwiz at the prompt. The Welcome screen appears.

This screen lists the components that are included in, or supported by, this release of Oracle Applications. 

Use the scroll bar to bring all the components into view. This screen is for information only. No action is required. Click Next to continue. 

Step 2. Select a wizard operation

Use the Select Wizard Operation screen to indicate the action you want Rapid Install to perform. You begin both new installations and upgrades from this screen. Based on the action you choose, the Rapid Install wizard continues with the appropriate screen flow. The available actions are as follows:

Install Oracle Applications E-Business R12

This action sets up a new, fully configured system, with either a fresh database or a Vision Demo database. 
The configuration is derived from the system-specific configuration parameters you enter in the Rapid Install wizard and save in the configuration file (config.txt). 
This custom configuration reflects the way you will use your Oracle Applications products.

--> Express Configuration :  This action sets up a fully configured, single-user/single-node system with either a fresh database or Vision Demo database. 
You supply a few basic parameters, such as database type and name, top-level install directory, and increments for port settings. 
The remaining directories and mount points are supplied by Rapid Install using default values.

Upgrade to Oracle Applications E-Business R12
Choose this option to indicate that you are upgrading your E-Business Suite products to the current version of Oracle Applications. 
The wizard screen flow presents two paths: one that lays down the file system and installs the new technology stack, and one that configures servers and starts services.

In the following steps, you will set up a new installation. Click Install Oracle Applications E-Business R12. Click Next to continue

Step 3. Identify configuration file

On the Load Configuration screen, you indicate whether you will be using an existing configuration file

If you answer No, Rapid Install saves the configuration parameters you enter on the wizard screens in a new configuration file (config.txt) that it will use to configure your system for the new installation. 
You indicate the location and the name of the new configuration file on a subsequent screen.

If you choose "Yes, load configuration file," the directory path field becomes active. Entering the file name and path points Rapid Install to a previously stored configuration and indicates that want to use those parameters. 

Typically, you choose this option when copying the configuration file to other nodes in a multi-node installation, or when restarting Rapid Install after an interruption in the installation processing.

Because this is a new installation, click No, and click Next to continue.

Step 4. Choose installation type
On the Install Type screen, you indicate whether you want to install servers on a single node or distribute them across multiple nodes.

In a single-node installation, the RDBMS, the core AD directories and product directories, and the concurrent processing, forms, and Web servers are installed on one node under a common APPL_TOP.

In a multi-node installation, the RDBMS and the concurrent processing server, forms server, and Web server can be distributed across multiple nodes. The core AD directories and all product directories are installed under the APPL_TOP on all tiers. Nodes can be configured to share an APPL_TOP.

If you select the single node installation, then skip the steps 5, 6 and 7, and start from step 8. For multi-node installation, follow all the steps given below.

Click Next to continue.

Step 5. Use Load Balancing


On the Load Balancing screen, you can set up a configuration that will distribute the forms or concurrent processing load across multiple forms or concurrent processing servers (respectively).
In a system that employs load balancing, requests are automatically directed to a server on the "least loaded" node — the one that has the smallest number of processing tasks in progress.

On this screen, you choose whether to enable load balancing. If you choose the "No, do not enable load balancing" option, the wizard assumes that your system will not be configured for multiple forms or concurrent processing servers.

If you choose the "Yes, enable load balancing" option, the wizard prompts you to indicate the number of forms servers and concurrent processing servers, and then steps you through the task of assigning those servers to the nodes in your system.

Step 6. Assign servers to nodes and indicate operating system

The Node Information screen lists the servers to be installed and prompts you to provide a name for each node and indicate the operating system. 
You assign servers to individual nodes using the Node Name field. Type the name of the node where each service will be installed, repeating the same name for all services to be installed on that node. 

For example, in a system configured for three nodes, type DB-CM-ADMIN as the name of the node that will host the Database and the Concurrent Mgr.

The AD core technologies (administration services, also known as the Administration server) are also installed (under the APPL_TOP) on the DB-CM-ADMIN node.

To install the forms server and the Web server on separate nodes, type FORMS-1 as the node name for the Forms services, and WEB-1 as the node name for the Web services. 

Select Linux from the drop-down list in the Operating System field.

Notice that the "Enable a shared APPL_TOP for this instance" check box at the bottom of the Node Information screen is checked. 

Rapid Install has set up the shared APPL_TOP configuration based on the nodes you identified on this screen.

Step 7. Set up a shared APPL_TOP

In a shared APPL_TOP system, the APPL_TOP is installed on only one node. The other nodes are set up to share that APPL_TOP, making changes to the shared file system immediately visible on all nodes. 
Using a shared APPL_TOP simplifies the maintenance of your configuration and greatly reduces downtime during maintenance tasks.

Click Details to see the file system actions for this shared configuration.

The Define File System screen shows the file sharing for the configuration you have described. It identifies the nodes as follows:

--> Install: This is the base node. Its APPL_TOP is available for sharing with other nodes. On subsequent node-specific screens, the wizard prompts for directory paths for each node you mark as Install.

--> Share Existing: A node marked Share Existing does not have its own APPL_TOP. It must share the APPL_TOP of a node marked Install. Click OK to return to the Node Information screen. Then, click Next to continue.

Step 8. Define database type

On the Database Type screen, indicate the kind of database you want to install in the new system and supply the name you will use to identify it. 

 You can install a fresh database or a Vision Demo database.

--> A fresh database is fully configured and ready for a new implementation. This type of database is suitable for any type of system that requires a fresh database, such as a production system or a test system. 

The default name for a production database is PROD. 

If you are installing a database for another use, for example as a test system or a backup system, choose the Fresh Database option and enter a Database Name that reflects that purpose, for example TEST.

--> A Vision Demo database is used for demonstration or training purposes. 

It contains a fully configured Oracle Applications system that has been implemented and populated with a set of transactions for a fictitious company.

The Vision Demo database is set up for multiple-organization use. It is installed with the UTF8 character set to maximize the support for character sets in this release. The default database name is VIS.

Click Next to continue.

Step 9. Set up database installation directory

The Database Install Information screen prompts you for information Rapid Install needs to set up and install the database. 

The "Base Install directory" field defaults to a sample directory name, using the operating system syntax for the machine where you started the Rapid Install wizard. In this example, the syntax is for Windows. 

This directory is the top-level directory that Rapid Install uses to derive the mount points associated with the RDBMS. On a Unix operating system, the screen would look like this.
Notice that the syntax has changed, and there are two fields that are specific to this platform. The Oracle OS User is the account that will own the database server file system. 

Enter the name of the Oracle OS Group. The Oracle OS User may belong to other groups, but it must belong to this group. Enter a base installation directory on this screen, or click Browse. 

Navigate to the new directory, and highlight the path, or enter a path in the Directory field. Click OK to save the changes and return to the Database Install Information screen. 

Click Cancel to return without making changes. From the Database Install Information screen, click Advanced Edit to review the derived mount points or to change the directory paths.  

This screen displays default directories based on the base installation directory you specified on the Database Install Information screen. 

Accept the defaults or change the derived mount points as needed. 

Click OK to return to the Database Install Information screen. Then, click Next to continue.

We will continue with the installation in next tutorial Single Node and Multi Node Installation Part 2 which explains about different product license types, country-specific functionality, additional languages and internationalization (NLS) settings.

Sukhwinder Singh


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